PlaceholderText.stroke = "rgba(0,0,0, 0. Var placeholderText = indNode.findObject("PLACEHOLDERTEXT") all the other nodes in the diagram that is not selected or highlighted I would prefer to select all matching strings from the search, rather then hightlight, I saw in the docs that there is “selectCollection”, but for some reason it is only selecting the first matching node, not all of the matching nodes: function searchDiagram() ) It works no problem when I set: myDiagram2.highlightCollection(results) The user settings (Options > Settings > User > Display > General, Display scroll bars check box). One other feature I came across, I saw one of the samples had an example of a search functionality that is nice to have. The zoom setting selected is retained when switching pages.

Turns out, this is a really simple fix to change the Photos app to zoom using the mouse wheel instead of next photo.Alright I was able to figure that out.

I didn’t take the time, at the time to figure it out. I always used my arrow keys to scroll through photos. It just made sense, as a photographer who sometimes goes through hundreds of photos after a shoot, I don’t want to be wasting time clicking the zoom slider thingy, which, is totally annoying. If you are anything like me, when something you are used to doing in Windows changes, you get frustrated, curse Microsoft, move on and forget about it until the next time you are determined to figure it out? Sound like you? This was me for using the scroll wheel on my mouse to zoom in to photos. How to change Windows Photo App to Zoom instead of View Next Photo